March 17, 2019
Project 2 – Personas
- Are they male/female? Primarily female with shared male users
- How old are they? 30-45
- Where do they live? Los Angeles, Austin, and Portland
- Do they have children? Some yes and some no
- Are they married? Some yes and some no
- Where are they when they use the app? When they start doing freelance work and simply track certain activity
- Do they love a competitive app? Why? Some of them like a couple of competitive apps like Hours and Hours Keeper. The apps make their freelance job or things, in general, more organized
- What do they do? Freelancers or self-employed working professionals
- What do they have in common? All are working professionals
- Why are they interested in the topic? They want to keep everything in work or life more manageable, productive and organized
- Who are they trying to impress? Themselves
- Who impresses them? Peers who get things done, be on track, always look organized
What Internet tools do they use almost every day? Google, Amazon, Instagram, Youtube- What Internet tools do they not use ever? Some never used Instagram, the rest could not think of ones they never used.
- What drives my target to make decisions? Low learning curve
- Can they afford my app? Yes
- Can I reach them with my app? Are they accessible? Yes. All have mobile devices, most have iPhones.
- Are there enough people in your target to be profitable? Yes
- How does your idea resonate with your audience on an emotional level? As a designer or freelancers they often times work on multiple projects at one period of time, it could get stressful and disorganized if you want to track every single project accurately.
- Do you need to break your target up into niches? No. The focus of this app is on freelancers and self-employed working professionals. Research seemed to indicate common concerns so I don’t believe it needs to be broken down further